To Love, to Live, to Leave a Legacy
Mary Redmond Ussher called her strength to through breast cancer the ‘Pink Ribbon Path’. Here, her son writes about her experience with the illness.
Christians in Ireland before Patrick
St Patrick – “the man who brought Christianity to our ancestors”. But did he? We analyse evidence that there were Christians in Ireland…
Remembering Garda Patrick Reynolds
An extract from a recent book written by an ex-Garda highlights the pain of the Garda community upon the murder of one of their own
Peace Means Respect for Diversity
Today, we recall John Hume's words as he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize for his relentless drive to bridging the divides in the island of Ireland.
Exploring the wild Irish uplands
In wild Ireland, we find unforgettable stories and captivating legends. The Irish uplands have been inextricably intertwined with Irish history.
We can revive the Irish language. Should we?
The language is a source of ongoing, heated debate in Ireland. But should Irish be revived? Dr. De Barra discusses.
Where Mary Kenny Goes, God Never Feels Far Behind
Let me start with a confession. As a kid born in the 90’s, I have fallen quite out of touch with my own faith as many of my peers have;…
The Whole World is Saved by Easter Hope
In this piece, Daniel O'Leary talks about how during Holy Week, many of us fail to see salvation as a communal matter for all God’s people.
Irish women who served in a time of European crisis
Read Joe Carroll's review of 'Irish Servicewomen in the Great War: From Western Front to roaring twenties' by Barbara Walsh.
The powerful women of Irish mythology: Warrior Queen Medb
Captivating photographs reveal ‘dark underbelly of Irish rural life’
A Selection of Irish Art
The Different names of Ireland
When Queens Collide: Grace O’Malley and the Meeting of 1593
The many aspects of the ancient Skelligs explored
The Life of Saint Dymphna
A Selection of Irish Art
A Farewell to the Flesh: It’s pancake time!
Robert Mallet – Father of Seismology
Life, in Pieces
Happy birthday Joe Duffy! Last year, the famed broadcaster contributed a little about how his life during the Covid-19 lockdown and how he found peace during the tumultuous period
Peace from Quiet Reflection
I try to find peace in moments of quiet reflection and in the company of friendsand loved ones. It’s something I actively seek out, both for my own well-being and sothat I can do my job to the…
9 Adorable Irish dog breeds you need to adopt
Are you searching for your new best friend? These nine Irish pups are bred for hunting and shows but perfect for cuddles and fun.
Tina Claffey: The Woman Who Found Color in a Colorless World
Artists have a way of sharing the unspoken. Each have their own medium that they communicate with, and within that, they allow us to understand something that was previously misunderstood. An…
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From Ancient Rome to Modern Dublin – The journey of Saint Valentine
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On a Pilgrimage: Visiting St Gobnait’s Shrine at Ballyvourney
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Rushes & Reeds – St Brigid’s Cross’s in modern Ireland
Local artist Gabriel Gillespie of Meenavean has been making St Brigid’s crosses like no other.