The Benedictine monks of Glenstal Abbey in Co. Limerick are captured celebrating the Holiest week for Christians by award-winning photographer Valerie O'Sullivan in this exclusive extract from her book.
On World Health Day, let us divert our attention to the plight of those who continue to live on the fringes of our "modern" society, homeless and alone in the 21st century.
Love is nothing and everything, all at the same time. Completion and emptiness. Embracing every moment, deeply known, yet immeasurable, beyond concept. Love just is.
The last days of March and the first days of April are often the coldest days of the year in Ireland. How did Irish folklore make sense of these? By blaming the boastful Brindled Cow of course!
Trying to get kids to focus on one thing for more than two minutes can be a challenge at the best of times, so what happens when something that actually…